W. H. Knuckles is a Pre-K though third grade school with 346 students (57% African Americans, 14% Native American, and 22% Hispanic, 1% White, 1% Asian & 5% Multi-racial). The school is located in South Lumberton at 1520 Martin Luther King Drive Lumberton, NC.

W. H. Knuckles Elementary School has a School Improvement Team (SIT) which is an elected body of individuals representing each of the five grade levels (Pre-K - 3), classified staff, resource personnel, parents and administration. This site-based management team develops goals and guides the staff toward achieving these goals. The primary task of the SIT is to develop and monitor the School Improvement Plan. Careful consideration of the school's mission and vision statements is given priority while being aware of student academic performance, school climate and culture, high expectations for all learners, and effective professional development to implement new and innovative methods and materials to utilize in our instruction. Data analysis and continuous monitoring of student progress also help us in our efforts of continuous improvement. Individual classroom assessments, EOG tests, benchmarks and other additional test data and diagnostic reports are in place to help monitor the progress of our students and plan their specific instruction to meet their needs.

The Advisory Council of W. H. Knuckles Elementary along with the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) are active stakeholders that share and voice concerns as well as provide positive incentives for W. H. Knuckles students and staff. The PTO also provides school support through projects and fundraising.

Leadership at W. H. Knuckles Elementary is a team effort. The team, while led by the administrator, is composed of teachers, parents, students, and other stakeholders working collaboratively in various roles to ensure the vision, purpose, and goals are used to guide teaching and learning. Our school has several committees that assist in the decision-making process (i.e attendance, program planning, Positive Behavior Intervention Support committee, etc.).