Please encourage students to visit the media center during resource.


Parents may check out books from the library.


If you need something laminated, please drop off your items in the media center. Items are typically returned the same day. However, please allow 48 hours.

If you’d like a document enlarged to a poster, email the document or place a copy in a box. If you’d like to design a poster or explore the simplicity of this awesome machine, please stop by.

We have an Ellison cut out machine in the workroom (located across from the gym). If you’d like to experiment with the digital cut out machine, please see me. It’s FAST and EASY.


Each teacher will receive 2 ink cartridges per year. Each teacher has access to a grade level color copier.


If you need help using Smartboard or document camera, please arrange a time for a mini-lesson with me. (Please allot 20-30 minutes.)

If you’d like to better understand the layout of the library, please arrange a time to meet. I’ll help you understand what is available and how to utilize Destiny. (Please allot 15 minutes.)

Please feel free to borrow items for the media center.

Please be reminded that STAFF MEMBERS are not to utilize laptops or iPads with a green fixed asset label. Only students should use devices with a green fixed asset label. If you’re not sure, please ask.

Desktops and laptops can be connected to the printer. If you cannot print, please submit a work order by completing the steps below:

Select Explore (yellow tab)

Select Media Center

Select repair

Scroll down and click submit work order

(You can also send me a note with computer names.)

iPad-If you want to link your iTunes account to the iPad you’ve been assigned, we can clear the information from the previous teacher. Please let me know ASAP because this process takes about 2 hours and a waiting period of about 10 days to allow Apple to reset the device.

Before you can utilize your school laptop at home, you must first log on and off your laptop at school. (You must connect to the server.)


If you are having difficulty trying to access software (AR, Learning A-Z, Brainpop Jr., or Moby Math), please notify me via email.

If you’d like new apps on the iPads, see Mr. Shoemaker or Mrs. Hammonds.


You must obtain approval from Mrs. Brown before showing videos. Clips less than 5 minutes are permissible without permission. Please do not leave videos for a substitute teacher. We have the capability to watch a video school-wide. If your grade level would like to watch the same video at once, I will need to play it through the TV in the media center.


We provide incentives for each student (at the end of the month) who meets his/her goal. Please encourage participation.

Please inform parents about Home Connect. If a parent would like to monitor AR results, the software can notify parents each time a test is taken via email.

  1. Click on AR Testing Site (listed beneath Web Resources)

  2. Log in

  3. Select Renaissance Home Connect (bottom right corner)

  4. Select reports

  5. Select informational letter

  6. Click view report

  7. Print

You will have a better understanding of your child’s AR level once the STAR has been administered. If the program indicates a monitor password is needed, type ADMIN. Once STAR has been completed, please adjust your child’s reading level.

  1. Click on AR Testing Site (listed beneath Web Resources)

  2. Log in

  3. Select Accelerated Reader (orange box)

  4. Select preferences

  5. Select book levels (2nd last option)

  6. Slide the left and right circles to adjust the child’s level.

  7. Click SAVE.

***Please use your best judgment. The purpose is to promote and foster the love of reading. If one of your students is an extremely avid reader and scores well above his/her grade level, please allow them to read anything. Personally, I think the best AR books are 5th grade and under. If you have a 2nd grade student that reads on a 5.0 level, allow him/her to read 2.5 and higher. Please DO NOT LIMIT the child to 5.0 and higher. They will STRONGLY DISLIKE US (you and me)! I believe AR is a great program IF we are promoting and fostering the love of reading.

Please refer to the AR sheet previously placed in your mailbox.

Encourage students to utilize the school webpage to find the correct AR website. Schools have different web addresses.

Click on AR Testing Site (listed beneath Web Resources)

Please follow the steps below if you want to search for an AR test for a book that may not be labeled.

Click on AR Book Finder (listed beneath Web Resources)


I. All school systems shall have in place a system-wide selection policy in compliance with General Statute 115C-98.

II. The Department of Public Instruction recommends that each school have a building-level Media and Technology Advisory Committee whose members are responsible for assisting media and technology professionals in the selection process and the building-level challenge of materials. This committee, appointed by the principal and co-chaired by the school library media coordinator and the technology facilitator, should consist of:

􏰀 Principal

􏰀 Representative from each grade level or department

􏰀 Representative from special areas

􏰀 Parent representative

􏰀 Student representative (at the middle and high school levels

All requests for reconsideration of materials should begin at this level with the submission of a Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Resources (see sample).

III. In accordance with GS 115C-98 (b1), a school system’s Community Media Advisory Committee may
be appointed by the local board of education to investigate and evaluate challenges. If the appointment is made, the Department of Public Instruction recommends that the committee should consist of:

o 􏰀 the superintendent or his/her designee

o the media director or his/her designee

o the technology director or his/her designee

o a media coordinator and technology facilitator/or teacher from each level of school within the system (i.e., elementary, middle, high school)

o a principal from each level of school within the system

o a parent/community member from each level of school within the system

o a parent from the school from which the challenge originates

o at least 1 high school student

The chair of this committee should be appointed by the board of education. If the person originating
the challenge at the building level is not satisfied with the building-level recommendation, he/she should submit a Citizen’s Request for Review of Building-Level Recommendation within one week of the publication of the building-level decision.

IV. In accordance with GS 115C-98 (bl), “The local board, at all times, has sole authority and discretion
to determine whether a challenge has merit and whether challenged material should be retained or removed.”


Occasional objections to some resources may be voiced by the public despite the care taken in the selection process and despite the qualifications of persons selecting the resources. If a complaint is made the following procedures should be observed:



Inform the complainant of the selection procedures and request that the complainant file his/her objections in writing by completing the Request for the Reconsideration of Instructional Resources form to be submitted to the building-level Media and Technology Advisory Committee.

The building-level Media and Technology Advisory Committee will:

  • 􏰀 examine the item and the objection(s)

  • 􏰀 survey reviews of the item in professional reviewing sources

  • 􏰀 determine the extent to which the item supports the curriculum

  • 􏰀 weigh the merits against the alleged weaknesses, considering the whole item instead of isolated passages

  • 􏰀 discuss the item and prepare a written report of the findings and recommendations of the committee

  • 􏰀 send copies of the report to the principal, the media director, and technology director. The media

director and technology director should discuss the report with the superintendent, who may present it to the board.

If the complainant is not satisfied, he/she may file a Citizen’s Request for Review of Building-Level Recommendation with the Community Media Advisory Committee if such a committee exists. Following the steps outlined above, the community-level committee will re-examine all documentation from the original reconsideration decision. They will prepare a written report of their findings and recommendation and report directly to the local school board.

In accordance with GS 115C-98 (bl), “The local board, at all times, has sole authority and discretion to determine whether a challenge has merit and whether challenged material should be retained or removed.”


NAME OF PERSON MAKING REQUEST: ____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________ TELEPHONE: ________________________Complainant represents: ___ himself/herself or ____ organization
If organization, what is the name of the organization: _____________________________________________
Are you a parent or guardian of a student in this school? __ Child’s grade level: __________________ Name of school owning the item to be reconsidered: _________________________________________________

TITLE OF ITEM: ______________________________________________________ FORMAT: ______________(Please complete separate form for each individual title to be reconsidered) (book, video, etc.)AUTHOR/ARTIST/COMPOSER, ETC.: _______________________________________________________________ PUBLISHER/PRODUCER: _______________________________ COPYRIGHT DATE: __________________

How did you acquire this item? __________________________________________

Did you read, view, or listen to the entire item? __________________________________________
If not, what parts? ______________________________________________________________________

Is this item part of a series or set? Yes _____ No _____.
If yes, did you examine other items in the series or set? __________________

To what in the item do you object? (Please be specific: cite pages, frames, etc.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

What do you feel might be the result of a student’s reading, viewing, or listening to this item? __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Are you aware of any evaluations of this item by authoritative sources? Yes _____ No ___. If yes, did those sources agree with your opinion? Yes ___ No _____.

List the sources: _______________________________________________________________________________

Do you want other persons in the community to determine the kind of materials your child may or may
not use in school? _________________________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________


____________________________ _____ SIGNATURE OF COMPLAINANT DATE


NAME OF PERSON MAKING REQUEST: ____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________ TELEPHONE: ________________________Complainant represents: ___ himself/herself or ____ organization
If organization, what is the name of the organization: _____________________________________________
Are you a parent or guardian of a student in this school system? __ Child’s grade level: ___________ Name of school owning the item to be reconsidered: _________________________________________________

TITLE OF ITEM: ______________________________________________________ FORMAT: ______________(Please complete separate form for each individual title to be reconsidered) (book, video, etc.)AUTHOR/ARTIST/COMPOSER, ETC.: _______________________________________________________________ PUBLISHER/PRODUCER: _______________________________ COPYRIGHT DATE: __________________

Are you aware of the reasons for the building-level decision regarding this resource? Yes ____ No ____.

What aspects of the decision are you requesting be reviewed? ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you have additional comments or information about the resource that you did not include on the building level Request for Reconsideration form? Yes _____ No _____.

If yes, please include: ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Other comments: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

____________________________ _____ SIGNATURE OF COMPLAINANT DATE